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Writer's pictureTalena Cuthbert

Layston Music - September 2024 Newsletter

Dear Layston Music Families,

Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful summer break and are ready to dive into a new term filled with music, learning, and fun. As we kick off this exciting season, we have some important reminders and updates to share with you.

Monthly Invoices Reminder

We would like to remind everyone that, starting this term, invoices will be sent out on the 10th of each month. Payments are due by the 1st of the following month. This system is designed to help everyone stay on track with payments and avoid any disruptions. Please ensure timely payments to keep your slot secure.

Holiday Bookings

To better manage our schedule and accommodate our ad-hoc clients, we kindly ask that any holidays be booked at the beginning of each term. This allows us to efficiently plan and fill slots when needed. If you already know of any upcoming trips or commitments, especially around Christmas, please let us know as soon as possible.

Slot Cancellation Policy

As a gentle reminder, a month's notice is required if you need to give up your lesson slot. This gives us ample time to offer your spot to someone on our waiting list. Please note that if invoices remain unpaid for two consecutive months, your slot may be offered to another student on our waiting list. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Term Dates

Our term runs from Tuesday, 27th August through to Tuesday, 24th December. Please be mindful of these dates, especially as the Christmas season approaches. If you plan to be away during the holidays, please inform us as soon as possible.

Winter Shindig

Mark your calendars for our annual Winter Shindig on 7th December! This year, we’ll be hosting two separate sessions—an earlier one for our younger students and a later one for older students. Due to an increase in venue hire costs, we’ll need to charge a slightly higher ticket fee of £7 per person. We promise it’ll be a festive and fun event worth every penny!

Spotlight on Our Sister Company: Song And Sound

We’re thrilled to share the continued success of our sister company, Song And Sound. We have been doing incredible work with song therapy and community sound events. If you’re curious about the health benefits of music or are interested in attending one of their events, don’t hesitate to reach out for more information. We’d love to see more of our Layston Music family get involved!

We’re looking forward to another wonderful term filled with music and creativity. Thank you for being a part of our community, and as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Warm regards,

Talena Cuthbert BA MCMA

Music & Health Practitioner

Layston Music

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